Kort #92893

 , xqägf
M & r c 0 Polo
Medeltida resande. 1254-1525.
Porträtt i: The book of Ser.ggrco Polo ... Newly transl.
and ed. ... by Henry Yule. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. 1875.
Tite1p1.: Lit. Frauenfelder. Palermo. — "Marcus Polus
Vgnemus totius orbis et Indie peregrator primus." -
Cfïed by permission from a painting hearing the above
inscription in the gallery of monsignore Badia at Rome.
(Troligen kardinal Tommaso Badia, 1493—1547.)
Res. Asiat.
Porträttet i galleri Badia även reproducerat som trä—
snitt i: Euge, S., Geschichte des Zeitalters
der Entdeckungen. 1881. . S. 53. Geogr. Hist.



, xqägf
M & r c 0 Polo
Medeltida resande. 1254-1525.
Porträtt i: The book of Ser.ggrco Polo ... Newly transl.
and ed. ... by Henry Yule. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. 1875.
Tite1p1.: Lit. Frauenfelder. Palermo. — "Marcus Polus
Vgnemus totius orbis et Indie peregrator primus." -
Cfïed by permission from a painting hearing the above
inscription in the gallery of monsignore Badia at Rome.
(Troligen kardinal Tommaso Badia, 1493—1547.)
Res. Asiat.
Porträttet i galleri Badia även reproducerat som trä—
snitt i: Euge, S., Geschichte des Zeitalters
der Entdeckungen. 1881. . S. 53. Geogr. Hist.

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